
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RetailTransactionRentalModifier
Physical Name : CO_RTL_TRN _RNT_MDFR

An attributive entity type that extends the basic ARTS RetailTransaction entity to include rental provisions. This is an optional entity type.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) RetailTransaction(TR_RTL)
CustomerAccountID (FK) A unique identifier for a customer account. ID_CTAC Identity integer CustomerRentalAccount(LE_ACNT_CT_RNT)
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) RentalServiceTerms(AS_SV_RNT)
RentalStandardContractID (FK) Identifies an instance of a RentalStandardContract ID_RNT_STD_CNTRT Identity integer RentalServiceTerms(AS_SV_RNT)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerRentalAccount is renter of RetailTransactionRentalModifier
RentalServiceTerms defines terms of RetailTransactionRentalModifier
RetailTransaction is extended by RetailTransactionRentalModifier

Logical Views containing RetailTransactionRentalModifier

Logical View
Logical 02370 - Retail Transaction - Rental View